Overcoming Temptation | A Concise Guide

Overcoming Temptation, by Robert John, Robertjman.blogspot.com

Temptation(s) has become something everyone can reckon with today. 
As we live our everyday lives, we come across temptations on a daily basis. These temptations come in different ways and for different reasons. 

Before we delve into the different ways we are tempted and how to overcome it, let us first identify what temptation really is.
Firstly, temptation is not sin, neither is it a sign of impurity. What then is temptation; 
According to English Learners Dictionary temptation can be defined as a strong urge or desire to have or do something and especially something that is bad, wrong or unwise.

Haven clarified what Temptation is, let us now consider different ways in which we are tempted. As aforementioned, temptation comes in different ways and for different reasons. Some of the areas we are tempted includes but not limited to:

Fornication This is one of the most popular areas in which people  are tempted. 1 Corinthians 7:2 In this verse, apostle Paul identifys fornication as the number 1 temptation of single persons. This is part of the human make-up, for God created us male and female. 

Lying This is another area most people are tempted. Sam Harris has this to say about lying; 
Lies comes at a steep psychological cost.... unlike statements of fact, which require no further work on our part, lies must be continuously protected to avoid collisions with reality.

Money  "The love of money" says the Holy Scriptures "is the root of evil" This therefore, is another major temptation people face in life.

Prove one's self  Matthew 4:3-7 Jesus Christ in this scripture was vehemently tempted by the devil to prove himself saying "if thou be the Son of God" It is therefore, worthy of note that many people today are faced with this same temptation. 

Masturbation This is a self-stimutation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. According to WebMD  in one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. 
Needless to say that, this is a major temptation people encounter.

These and many more, are temptations we are faced with daily.

Now, let us talk about how to overcome these temptations.

There are numerous ways to overcome temptation but, we are going to consider just a few which I think are the most potent. They are:
Prayer: The role of prayer in overcoming temptation can not be over-emphasised. It has the potency of relieving the soul of its greatest burden.

Next to prayer is:

The Word Of God: knowing what the scripture says about the situation you're in and applying it, is a sure way to overcome temptation.

Resist/Reject: James 4:7,8 Resisting the devil (tempter) is a major Biblical principle, given to man to overcome temptation.

Discipline/Self Control: This has been proven to be Joseph's formular for overcoming temptation. When his master's wife kept pressuring him to commit sin with her, his discipline and self control helped him overcome her enticements.
Last but, definitely not the least means of overcoming temptation that we are going to highlight on the subject is;

Avoid It: Like we stated earlier, there are numerous ways to overcome temptation but, this to me, is the most practical means of overcoming temptation(s).

You may ask, how do you avoid temptation, when it comes uninvited. As true as that may seem, temptations do not come of it's own accord. 

How then do temptations come? The answer is found in the Scriptures; in James 1:13 it is written "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempt he any man" vs 14 says "but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed"
In the light of this scripture, we understand that we tempted by the things we desire.

Haven established that fact, how then do we avoid temptation; this illustration is meant to help you understand it.
Imagine a man in the middle of a road and there is an oncoming vehicle. What do you think such a man should do to avert danger? Well, if I was in a position to help him, I will simply say to him "get out of the way"
That is the best way to avert disaster. Struggling with the oncoming vehicle will that man no good; thus, fighting temptation will be of note benefit to you.

In conclusion, the best way to overcome temptation is to avoid it.
An idle mind they say, is the devil'are workshop. Therefore, occupy your mind with something positive and productive.
A wise man once said "don't be a busy body, be a busy brain"

This is as much as we can take on the topic Overcoming Temptation |Concise Guide 

Hope this post was helpful. Do kindly leave a comment. We like to hear from you. 


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